Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Moments

I've been waiting for today for so long. Here I am, 9:30 AM, Natalie down for her morning nap and I can finally download the new album from my fave band, Death Cab for Cutie on I-tunes (A., I'm burning you a copy as I write!).
It's like Christmas for me and I can't wait to dive into each song. I'm equally as excited for their VH1 Storytellers episode waiting for me in the DVR. Ben Gibbard is a poet in my opinion, and I am jazzed to get to hear the stories behind some of their beautiful songs.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Thank you, friend! I have some new music I'll send your way, as well.

What do you think of the CD thus far? I've heard some of the tracks on KEXP and I like it...