Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Perfect Pal

My awesome friend A. is celebrating a birthday today (woo-hoo!).

Too often I don't think we take the time to tell people what they mean to us. A., is one of the most loyal people I have ever known and I admire her thoughtfulness and creativity (displayed here in her amazing blog). I also love the way she always seems to 'get' what I'm saying or thinking. I appreciate her many visits up to PA to see us and that she makes the best mixed CD's and cookies.

Hope you had a great day friend! You deserve it.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Aww, you're so sweet, Jackie! I value our friendship so much and I'm lucky to have had you in my life for the last 13(!) years.

We can't wait to see you guys in August. In fact, I was just thinking "what kind of cookie should I bake for them?" Glad to hear you enjoy them. : )